More Picture Of Tall Plants For Balcony Free Download. Also suited to tall evergreen screening on a balcony are sasanqua camellias Indian hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica Japanese box Buxus microphylla and any of the coprosmas. Tall Ornamental Grasses For quick-growing privacy plants try pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana giant grass Miscanthus giganteus and other ornamental grasses that top 10 or more feet.

Morten Falch SortlandGetty Images. Fragrant balcony plants can be seen on my Fragrant Balcony Plant board. Also suited to tall evergreen screening on a balcony are sasanqua camellias Indian hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica Japanese box Buxus microphylla and any of the coprosmas.
Hydrangea is one of the most spectacular screening plants.
Forsythia is a fast growing shrub and can grow up to 10 feet tall. These are not fragrant. Not only can you enjoy fresh aromatic pickings but most herbs remain relatively small so are. With rich and colorful blooms it is an excellent choice for a privacy hedge and will add the beauty of its colors to the patio area.