7 Best Of Neoclassical Home Design New Update 2021. Look through neoclassical pictures in different colors and styles and when you find some neoclassical that inspires you save it to an Ideabook or contact the Pro who made them happen to see what kind of design ideas they have for your home. Neoclassical home plans may be faced in brick stucco or siding and usually display elaborate pediments over doors and windows as well as dentil molding and balustrades along the roof lines.

Neoclassical house plans incorporate traditional elements drawn from classical architecture. The central part of a Neoclassical home design is generally two stories and may be flanked by one-story wings. The hallmark feature of Neoclassical design is a porch supported by grand columns often extending two stories.
Eclectic touches such as exaggerated broken pediments and dentil molding may adorn the doorways cornices and windows.
Even finding inspiration in structures part of American history these classical elements have been incorporated into these luxury home plans. Neoclassical home designs typically have symmetrical fronts and classically detailed windows and doors and share many characteristics with the more general Classical style floor plans. Richly detailed and proportioned columns entablatures and architraves pay homage to Andrea Palladios revivalist villas. In turn they based their style on their conception of the classical period particularly ancient Greece and Rome.